пятница, 14 сентября 2012 г.

San Leandro sports bar, Raiders fans team up for toy drive Friday - Oakland Tribune

SAN LEANDRO -- A legendary sports bar and Oakland Raiders fansare teaming up to hold a special toy drive Friday benefiting about30 patients at a children's hospital.

The event will be from 6 p.m. to closing at Ricky's SportsTheatre & Grill, named by Sports Illustrated as the No. 2 sports barin the nation.

Bar owners Ricky and Tina Ricardo will collect unwrapped toyswith the De La Cruz and Barragan families, longtime fans of theSilver and Black, event organizers said. A DJ will spin holidayclassics and complimentary appetizers will be served during theevening.

The toys are expected to be delivered on Christmas Eve topatients at the UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital in San Francisco,whose patients' ages range from three months to 23.

Ricky's is at 15028 Hesperian Blvd., near East 14th Street.

Contact Chris De Benedetti at 510-353-7011. Follow him atTwitter.com/cdebenedetti.